Received a conference travel grant from Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse (Helge Ax: son Johnson’s Foundation), June 20, 2019

I have received a conference travel grant from Helge Ax: son Johnson’s Foundation for the HEALTHINF 2020 conference in Malta.

“Helge Axelsson Johnson was born on June 22, 1878, as the second eldest son of Axel Johnson. Axel Johnson was born in Jönköping in 1844 and moved to Stockholm at the age of 18. In 1873 he started an agency and commission business for the import of coal and coke which from 1875 was named A. Johnson & Co, but which he called “the company”. In 1890 he started Rederiaktiebolaget Nordstjernan which he called “the shipping company”.

Helge became a partner in the “company” in 1905 – he had become a board member of the “shipping company” in 1902. In 1913 he left the “company” and then continued as a businessman on his own. Helge was appointed vice-consul by Siam in 1901 and in 1911 appointed consul by Siam.

Helge never married and died July 10, 1941, aged 63 years. Helge’s will stipulated that the entire property, including movables, would be sold and a foundation in his name would be formed.

The purpose of the Helge Ax: son Johnson Foundation is

  • to practice charity,
  • to support literary and artistic activities,
    to promote scientific research and
  • to support teaching and study activities in the country.

Grants for these purposes are paid once a year around the donor’s birthday on 22 June.” (Source: Helge Ax: son Johnson Foundation)

Official mail:

Stockholm i juni 2019

Mahbub Ul Alam 
Nr F19-0204

Ansökan om bidrag angående: Application for a grant for conference travel

Styrelsen för Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse har vid sammanträdet den 2019-05-08 behandlat er ansökan.

Härmed har vi glädjen att få meddela att styrelsen har beslutat lämna Er ett bidrag till ändamål enligt Er ansökan.

Beloppet,   13 000 kr, utbetalas till uppgivet bank-, bankgiro- eller plusgirokonto. Utbetalning sker den 20 juni.

I enlighet med Stiftelsens bestämmelser skall Ni före utgången av nästa år lämna redovisning för medlens användning och berättelse över vunna resultat. Ange alltid ansökansnummer.

Vi vill särskilt understryka att om en bidragstagare försummar att lämna redogörelse inom föreskriven tid, medför detta att inga ytterligare bidrag kommer att beviljas.

Ovanstående information ges av omtanke – erfarenhet visar att många tyvärr går miste om möjligheten till ytterligare bidrag på grund av underlåtenhet att lämna redogörelse.

Med vänliga hälsningar
Helge Ax:son Johnsons Stiftelse


Stockholm June 2019

Mahbub Ul Alam

No. F19-0204

Application for a grant regarding Application for a grant for conference travel

The Board of Helge Ax: son Johnson’s Foundation has at your meeting on 2019-05-08 considered your application.

We are hereby pleased to announce that the Board has decided to provide you with a grant for purposes in accordance with your application.

The amount, SEK 13,000, is paid to the stated bank, bank giro or plus giro account. Payment will be made on 20 June.

In accordance with the Foundation’s regulations, you must submit an account of the use of the funds and a report on the results gained before the end of next year. Always enter the application number.

We would like to emphasize in particular that if a beneficiary fails to submit a statement within the prescribed time, this means that no further grants will be granted.

The above information is given with care – experience shows that many unfortunately miss out on the opportunity for additional grants due to failure to submit a report.


Helge Ax: son Johnson’s Foundation

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