Month: May 2019

Runestone Safari, 28 May, 2019

One uneventful day Gustaf and I were having lunch together in the kitchen area. Somehow the discussion topic moved to runestone. I am quite fond of history, so I expressed my interest in visiting one. Gustaf said, ‘sure. There are a number of those nearby. We should visit those sometimes. How about a runestone safari?’ We laughed and then got busy with our works. Sometimes after Gustaf reminded me that a safari is still pending.Read more

Mini-symposium on automated sepsis detection using machine learning techniques at the Karolinska Institute, May 2, 2019

Recently I attended a symposium about sepsis and the early detection using machine learning. I presented my current work there. David Forsberg (postdoc from Professor Eric Herlenius group in the Pediatrics department) and John Karlsson Valik (MD. PhD‐student at Karolinska Institutet) introduced us to a mini-symposium on Automated sepsis detection using machine learning techniques. The symposium took place on the 2nd of May between 9 am – 12 noon at Nya Karolinska Solna. We startedRead more